Friday, October 24, 2014

#107 - MY LORD, MY GOD by Vineyard

Wait, what? This song is #107? Can that be right? I thought this was supposed to be a top ONE HUNDRED list, not a Top Whatever-Arbitrary-Number-This-Idiot-Blogger-Decides-On list. First there was "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", and now there's this "100 Best" crap. No wonder I have trouble trusting authority figures.

OK, so here's the deal - I spent a good deal of time sorting all my music and getting it organized to create this blog. I even went back and searched my old iTunes libraries so I wouldn't miss anything (even though I'm sure I did). When I started out, I had hundreds of songs for consideration, including for some reason two dozen songs by Debbie Gibson (she's an American treasure).

When I finally got to the last 20 or so songs, I just couldn't find any more songs that I wanted to leave off the list. Now, if I were doing a top rock and roll songs list, I could easily get rid of a song by Pink Floyd or the Rolling Stones, and I wouldn't feel any emotional attachment. But when it came to the last dozen or so worship songs that I love so much, it was agonizing. I was like, "I don't want to get rid of this Kari Jobe song, I mean, she just seems so nice".

Do you want to be the one to tell her she's off the list, replaced by ANOTHER Hillsong song?
Anyhoo, starting out with 107 songs seemed to work out pretty well, even if I sort of lucked into it. Before my blog went public and I invited my friends, I posted all the songs from #101 to #107 so that when I announced my venture into blogging, there was already a bunch of pages for them to see. It also works out well for those of you who've come later, since now you get all this added bonus content for free. 

Now, many of you are first time visitors, and for many of you this is the first post that you are reading. My web analytics voodoo thingy tells me that first-time visitors most often come right here after they get past the welcome screen, probably because I gave you that option.

If that's so, you're probably noticing a patten, that you're 5 or 6 paragraphs in and we still haven't gotten to the song yet. Yea, well get used to that. As I mentioned before, there's usually not a ton you can say about a particular song except that you like it. I just sort of ramble on for awhile trying to entertain until we get to the song. Now, in about 7 more paragraphs, we should be ready to get to the song. Oh, ok....

Vineyard's "Your Love Reaches Me" album came out in 1999, the same year I left Milton for Juniata County and the full-time youth ministry. You can learn all about my youth ministry beginnings in the documentary entitled 'The Day that Sucked The Life Out Of Me' by Dave Hummel (he was my boss at the time, drove the poor man crazy). What I find interesting here is the two CD covers, which look like they were geared towards different audiences.


1999 was the year of Sonicflood, and my guess is that Vineyard was assessing the landscape and that the cover you see on the left was marketed towards the younger, hipper, modern worship crowd; while the one on the right was meant for Vineyard's standard audience at that time (OR, I could be entirely and totally wrong about all of that. It's not like I've hired a fact-checker or anything like that).

I really didn't know anything about worship music until 1999. But research has led me to believe that anyone who loves worship music as much as I do must have been tethered to Vineyard's offerings throughout the 90s. It doesn't look like there was a ton of stuff out there, and these guys were nailin' it. My Lord, My God is one good example, take a listen:

(Oh, and you might as well click on another song while you're here, I promise on the next one I'll get right to the song. Ok, I can't promise that at all).

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